Your Bible Verses Daily

St. Marinus

Interceding for Bachelors

Are you a single man? Or a deacon? Or have you ever been falsely accused? Marinus is your patron saint!

Born in Urbino, Italy, Marinus was a stonemason who worked in Monte Titano. He loved to preach as a layperson, and spent his time ministering to Christians who had been sent to work in the quarry as a punishment for defending their faith.

He was a confirmed bachelor, and became a member of the clergy, being ordained a deacon by St. Gaudentius.

A cave became his home in Monte Titano, to which he fled and where he lived as a hermit after being falsely accused by an insane woman of being her estranged husband. From this cave would rise the Republic of San Marino, the oldest surviving republic.

Marinus’s feast day is September 4, and his relics are in the Basilica of St. Marinus.

Other Saints We Remember Today

St. Rosalia (1160), Virgin, Patroness of Palermo, Sicily

St. Rose of Viterbo (1252), Virgin