Your Bible Verses Daily

Behold Your Father And I Have Been Looking For You

(Luke 2:48)

Our Father in heaven gave His only begotten Son Jesus a father on earth to be His father in every sense of the word except by generation. Jesus is God, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, the Word made flesh (see John 1:14), the only begotten Son of the Father, begotten not made as we pray in the Nicene Creed at Mass, thus God the Father is His Father.

God the Father gives Jesus an earthly father to represent Him. Saint Joseph was the man created to represent God the Father for God the Son. Only contemplate the greatness of this man and the graces bestowed upon him to fulfill such a sublime mission. Contemplate His virtues, and above all his love. God is love. Consider the love in the heart of the man who represents God the Father for God the Son.

We live in a time where so many bear father wounds. Do you wish you had a good father, a loving father, who took care of you, provided for you, helped you to solve your problems in life with wise advice, one who was always there for you when you needed him? Or perhaps your father died when you were young and you will never get to know him. Perhaps your father has abandoned you and you bear that wound of rejection. Or you feel that your father could not care less about you.

Take Saint Joseph as your father. The father of Jesus is the father of the entire Mystical Body. He is the patron of the Church the Mystical Body of Christ…father. Take Saint Joseph as your father in every sense of the word, to care for you, to provide for you, to advise you when you have problems in life and above all simply to love you and to be there for you. Of course you cannot see him, but the spiritual world is very real. You can pray to Saint Joseph as often as you like; many times a day would be good. You will see how he will help you and console you. Ask him to accompany you throughout your life. Consecrate yourself to him in surrendering yourself to him and asking him to take care of everything for you. You will find your burdens lifting, and more peace and joy will enter your heart. 

Through Saint Joseph you will come to know God the Father better and love Him more. Saint Joseph’s intercession is most powerful; he can obtain many and great graces for you. St. Teresa of Avila, great doctor of the Church, said she never asked him for anything that he did not grant. No doubt what she asked Saint Joseph for, was in accord with God’s will. Ask, and if your request is not in accord with God’s will, he will obtain for you something far better. If souls only knew how powerful an intercessor Saint Joseph is. We have only to recall that this man was created to represent God the Father for God the Son.