Your Bible Verses Daily

St. Genevieve

Genevieve was born around 422 in a small village four miles from Paris. She was also known as Genovefa. When she was only seven years old she met St. Germanus during a visit he made to her village on his way to Great Britain.

St. Germanus noticed her right away and foretold of her future sanctity. In conversation with her he asked her if she desired to serve God and remain a virgin with her only title being the spouse of Jesus. She immediately told him that this was her greatest desire. He then led her to a church, followed by a crowd of villagers, laid his hand on her head and there consecrated her to God as a virgin. He also gave her a brass medal with a cross engraved on it to wear around her neck.

Afterward, St. Germanus instructed the child not to wear jewelry or other ornaments, but to concentrate on God and always remember her promise to serve Him. For the rest of her life, Genevieve kept her promise. She lived a life of great austerity, prayer and good works. She died in the year 512.

Genevieve often dressed in long flowing gowns with a mantle covering her shoulders, similar to the type of garment that the Blessed Mother wore. In pictures and statues of this saint, she is often shown with a loaf of bread, symbolizing her generosity to the needy.


St. Geneieve, pray for us that we may follow your example of love and charity to others and live our lives centered on the Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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