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Saint Helena of Constantinople

Saint Helena of Constantinople, also known as Saint Helena, was born around 250 AD in the region of Bithynia, present-day Turkey. She was the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, who would become the first Christian Roman emperor. Helena’s life and faith had a profound impact on the history of Christianity.

Initially a member of the lower nobility, Helena married Constantius Chlorus, a Roman officer. Their son, Constantine, was born in 272 AD. Although Helena was not initially married to the emperor, she gained prominence after Constantine became emperor in 306 AD.

Helena’s Christian faith became well-known during her later years. After Constantine’s rise to power, she was deeply influenced by the Christian faith and undertook a pilgrimage to the Holy Land around 326 AD. During this pilgrimage, Helena is credited with discovering the True Cross of Jesus Christ, a significant relic that was believed to have been lost.

Her discovery of the True Cross, along with the construction of churches over significant Christian sites, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, made her a revered figure in Christian history. She is also known for her acts of charity and support for the Christian community, which played a vital role in the growth and establishment of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Saint Helena passed away around 330 AD. Her legacy as a devoted mother, influential supporter of Christianity, and finder of the True Cross continues to be celebrated in the Church.

Practical Lessons:

Lesson 1: Faithful Support of Christian Heritage: Saint Helena’s dedication to discovering and preserving Christian relics teaches us the importance of supporting and honoring our Christian heritage. Her commitment to preserving the True Cross reminds us to value and protect the traditions and symbols of our faith.Lesson 2: Courageous Pilgrimage and Service: Helena’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land and her efforts to build churches highlight the value of courage and dedication in our spiritual journey. Her example encourages us to undertake our own spiritual quests and to serve the Church and community with generosity and dedication.

Prayer to Saint Helena of Constantinople:

O God, who endowed Saint Helena with the grace to discover the True Cross and to foster the growth of the Christian faith, grant that through her intercession, we may be inspired to seek out and cherish the spiritual treasures of our faith. Help us to follow her example of devotion and service in our own lives. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

image: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons