Your Bible Verses Daily

In the first reading we are told that everything God created was good. How truly powerful is God and how generous is he to us!

As with the Pharisees and lawyers of the Law in today’s Gospel reading, many honor him only with lip-service. Many have made religion the following of human regulations and traditions, which enable them to void God’s key commandments of loving our fellows.

In many cultures there are many traditions which go against God’s commandment by giving importance to useless things.. As Christians we should speak out against such practices and traditions. Christians should reject superstitious beliefs, erroneous customs, discriminatory attitudes towards women and disadvantaged groups, adoration of idols and religious fanaticism. Even in our Catholic religion we should reject erroneous beliefs, practices and priorities.

Christ stresses that God’s ways are much simpler and are based on his commandment of love of God and neighbor. Let us love God and neighbor and reject meaningless practices and traditions.