Your Bible Verses Daily

In the Gospel reading, Matthew recounts how Jesus taught us to pray. The Lord’s Prayer is a beautiful and complete prayer.

First, it acknowledges that God in heaven is our Father. Not only is he holy; his name is also holy.

Second, it is always better to enter into his will. Yet how many times do we ask God to do our will, rather than we do what he wills? Most of the time, we are unhappy because we deviate from God’s will and plan for us; we often think our plan is better than God’s.

Third, we must put our trust in God’s providence. We always worry we do not have enough money or food to eat. But our Father will sustain and take care of us.

Fourth, it is very hard to forgive those who have wronged us. When treated badly or unfairly, we want to get even. Yet how can we ask for God’s forgiveness if we do not forgive those who have wronged us?

Last, we ask to be delivered from the test and from evil.

The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer to our Father in heaven who loves and cares for his children, who knows what each one needs even before he / she asks.