Your Bible Verses Daily

Homily of the Day

Freedom is a frequently misunderstood concept. On the surface, it appears to be the lack of restrictions or limits. To obtain this type of freedom, many of us resort to words like, “Leave me alone,” or “Let me do as I want.” But these do not always lead to true freedom, as Jesus points out in the Gospel today.

It is sin — committed in defiance of the laws that God laid down for our own protection — that ensnares and enslaves us. And it is truth, a life lived in the light, that brings real freedom.

As we reflect on the gospel today, let us examine our lives and assess how freely we are living it. Do we build ourselves prisons out of our favorite sins, done covertly under the guise of unfettered living of our lives? Or do we constantly choose the path of right living, that we may walk in the light, unafraid and truly free?