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Abraham, known for his unwavering faith and subsequent covenant with God, is a key character in both readings today. In the first reading we are told about God’s covenant with Abraham: “I will establish a covenant, an everlasting covenant between myself and you and your descendants after you.”

In the Gospel reading Jesus told the Jews, “Truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never experience death.” The Jews retorted that Jesus’ statement could not be true since even Abraham, their father in faith, and the prophets all died.

Jesus boldly told them that “[Abraham] looked forward to the day when I would come; and he rejoiced when he saw it.” How, considering that Jesus was not even fifty years old? Because Jesus claimed to be God, “Truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” The Jews clearly understood Jesus’ claim and they “picked up stones to throw at him.” Before Pilate the Jews said, “We have a Law and, according to the Law this man must die because he made himself Son of God.”

Jesus, Incarnate Son of God, have mercy on us.