Your Bible Verses Daily

Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter

The Lord created us in His own image. It is a good thing we are branches of a good vine. By virtue of the good vine, our branches can produce good fruit. For this, Christ instituted the Church as a mother to provide shelter, nourishment and guidance for all of us. We should be grateful and happy that we have a universal, apostolic and Catholic Church. Despite its weakness at times, the vine who is God, provides us with the necessary strength to withstand all kinds of trials and persecutions at all times.

Our Church has withstood for many centuries and continues to exist because of the heavenly nature of our Godhead. For all who don’t remain with Christ will wither and will be collected and thrown into the fire. When we cut ourselves from the vine, having our own beliefs, using our own human philosophy, logic and reasoning, there is the danger that we will wither, no matter how brilliant our human minds are. That is why God gave us His Church.

Whatever is bound here is bound in Heaven. God’s folly is greater than any human wisdom. Therefore let us remain steadfast to the teachings of our Church, staying ” connected” to the vine.