Your Bible Verses Daily

Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

What does Jesus mean by “love your enemies”?

Love has many meanings.  One of these is the Greek word “agape” with an accompanying verb “agapan” which indicates “unconquerable benevolence and invincible goodwill.” (Barclay’s Commentary) To love our enemies with agape means that, no matter what the person does to us, no matter if one insults or persecutes us, we shall regard him/her with that unconquerable benevolence and goodwill always trying to see what would be the highest good for him/her.

The kind of love for our enemies will not only be something of the heart but is also something of the will.  Moreover, this kind of love is possible only with God’s grace and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ example, we have learned to forgive as He forgives, to love as God loves.

How have we responded to Jesus’ commandment of love? Let us pray that all the bitterness in our hearts and in this world be changed into springs of life and love.  Let us bless one another and make saints of each other. “For your part you shall be righteous and perfect in the way your heavenly Father is righteous and perfect.”  (Mt 5:  48)