Your Bible Verses Daily

Memorial of Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church

The key to everlasting life is to always look to Heaven. Most of the time, our eyes are fixed on the earth and all the worldly allurements, including riches. So with our eyes fixed on the ground, with our feet rooted in this world, we can never “fly off” to Heaven; we cannot soar to receive faith, to believe that this world is passing and that the heavenly Jerusalem should be our ultimate goal. For a person cannot give up home, brothers or sisters, father or mother, or property for God’s sake, unless we are detached from the world. We are living in the world but not belonging to the world. That is why, especially for the rich, there is a bigger danger of being sidetracked and distracted in the heavenly Kingdom because we preoccupy ourselves too much in building our life in this world which will not last forever.

Many events remind us constantly of the event of death. It is good to remind ourselves that we are mortal, even if we choose to often ignore the heeding of the Lord to invest in treasure that lasts, to store up riches in heaven by works of charity and spreading the Good News to others. Let us realize that our final destination is Heaven!