Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

St Paul’s advice to Timothy can very well apply to us – for our holiness. It is worth heeding Paul’s words, though it is not an easy model to all believers in our way of acting and speaking, in our faith and purity of life. On the other hand, what Jesus told the woman who was noted for being a sinner is very consoling. He said to her, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”

The gesture of this woman after that incident was far beyond what the Pharisees did or did not do. Having been an outcast for being regarded as a sinner, her encounter with Jesus changed her life. As her way of showing repentance and gratitude, she bathed Jesus’ feet with her tears, dried them with her hair (her pride) and anointed them with perfume (her vanity). Indeed, it was total conversion for her.

In our life, after all the lessons, sermons and retreats were we deeply touched that we turned around and found our true love who is Jesus? Have we felt that our faith in Jesus deepened and that we are at peace? Let us then try to deeply experience Jesus in prayer, through his word and sacraments so that we will live in peace with ourselves and with others.