Your Bible Verses Daily

Tuesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

What role do we usually take in life – the one of Mary or that of Martha? We wish to take the one of Mary but often we are attracted to the role of Martha. Martha’s role represents control, discipline, achievements, etc. Mary’s role represents a plain listener and silent worker, not in control, no achievements to boast of, etc. She is one who is not self-centered, one who waits for the Lord to show her/him the way. There are many more traits that can be attributed to Mary. These traits are rare and hard to find in the world. In fact it is the opposite to what the world dictates. Through prayers and guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ we may receive the grace to be like Mary, the little one who stood at the feet of Jesus on the cross and suffered in silence respecting the plans of God no matter how incomprehensible it was to her human mind.