Your Bible Verses Daily

Friday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel, “He who is not with me is against
me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” Jesus might have
added in explanation: “He who does not help me carry the cross,
actually makes it heavier; he who does not walk with me and talk with
me and work with me and live with me, he surely is following someone
else not me.”

Are we for Christ or against Christ? Perhaps we can easily find out
by asking ourselves: “Am I helping Christ to carry his cross?” Am I
denying myself to be of help to others when they are in need?
Remember Christ gave his life for all of us. Are we willing to carry
the cross out of love for the poor, the needy, the lonely? Can we
sacrifice a little of our precious time, energy or money so that
others may live more decently and more happily? Are we with Christ in
our thoughts, words and actions? Is our prayer life such that Christ
is often with us and we with him?”

Jesus is the way, the only way to eternal happiness. Only if we live
with him and die with him, can we be with him in his heavenly kingdom.