Your Bible Verses Daily

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Joseph must have been devastated and confused when he discovered Mary’s condition for he knew Mary to be a virtuous woman. Surely he became even more confused when an angel encouraged him to take Mary home as his wife for she was to give birth to the Messiah. Nevertheless, he obeyed the word of the angel. Mary, on the other hand, was experiencing a deep suffering as well for she knew that if people found out that she was pregnant she would be stoned to death. Despite this crisis, she accepted to suffer in silence, waiting for this mystery to be revealed to Joseph as well.

Both Joseph and Mary entered into the plan of God even if they did not fully understand it and they became key figures in the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation. The prophecy of the angel was realized when an infant was born of Mary and he was named Jesus, the only name in the world by which we can be saved. Christ’s Incarnation is a great event in the life of every person for before his birth the heavens were closed. The host of angels would later announce to the shepherds the great news of the Savior’s birth: “He is Christ the Lord!” manifesting that the heavens are now open for all of us. The gospel is reminding us to anticipate the feast of Christmas which is so near. May we appreciate Joseph and Mary for all their sacrifices in bringing Jesus into the world. May we become more like them so that Jesus may also be born in us.